Proper Contact Lens Care

At Eye-Site in Boynton Beach, FL, we strive to ensure that our clients are educated to practice proper contact lens hygiene. Since wearing contact lenses is not without risk – it is important for patients to be aware of these risks as well as how to reduce their chances of having complications. Poor contact lens hygiene can in some cases cause significant vision problems, and even blindness. Regularly caring for your contact lenses properly can help to reduce the risk of this happening.

Replacement schedule 

The care required for your contact lenses will depend on their approved replacement frequency. When you receive a contact lens prescription, the doctor will inform you whether the lens is approved for daily, biweekly, or monthly replacement. This means that the lens will have to be disposed of after a certain period. If you are wearing a daily disposable lens, you will be required to throw away the contact lens after each day. If you are wearing a biweekly lens, you will be required to throw away the lens after two weeks. If you are wearing a monthly lens, you will be required to throw away the lens after 30 days of wear. Extending wear time beyond the approved replacement schedule will increase your risk for infection. Doing this can also increase contact lens discomfort and interfere with visual clarity.

Contact lens hygiene 

Always wash your hands with soap and water and dry them completely with a lint-free towel prior to inserting or removing your contact lenses. When removing your lenses, if you are wearing a biweekly or monthly lens, you will need to store the lenses in an approved contact lens storage solution. Prior to storage, you should gently clean them in the palm of your hand with an approved multipurpose solution. Your doctor will recommend a solution based on your specific needs. When removing the lenses from your solution to put them back in, you will need to dump out any remaining solution and allow the case to air dry for the next storage. Always use fresh solution and never top off old solution. Be sure to replace your contact lens storage case at least every three months.

Important reminders

You should NEVER sleep, nap, swim, shower, or hot tub in your contact lenses. Never clean your lenses with tap water or anything other than an approved contact lens cleaning solution. Any contact with water can increase your risk for developing a serious corneal infection that could lead to blindness. Always ask your doctor about what solution is right for your contact lenses and your specific needs. Only wear your contact lenses for as long as indicated by our optometrist. If you notice irritation or signs of infection in your eye, remove your contact lenses immediately and call our office promptly.

Schedule an Appointment with Us

When it is time to renew your contact lens prescription, you can contact our team at Eye-Site in Boynton Beach, FL, to schedule an appointment. If you have never had contact lenses but would like to explore your options, our team can also schedule an appointment to see if this eyewear style suits you. Call our office at (561) 738-0111 to schedule an appointment.


Hours of Operation

Please Note: Optical closed 1-2PM for lunch daily


9:00 am - 5:00 PM


11:00 am - 7:00 PM


11:00 am - 7:00 PM


11:00 am - 7:00 pm


9:00 am - 5:00 PM





9:00 am - 5:00 PM
11:00 am - 7:00 PM
11:00 am - 7:00 PM
11:00 am - 7:00 pm
9:00 am - 5:00 PM